less than 1 minute read

This is just a small set of film photos from this past summer in Ohio that I took, most recently on my Mamiya 645. I left this camera back in Ohio for now, I’ll bring it with me when I bring T home.

The dead end road we used to live at in Columbus, Ohio one foggy morning. Mamiya 645, 80mm, Portra 400
Yellow Springs, Ohio. Long exposure. Mamiya 645, 80mm, Portra 400
The texture of alley grass. Mamiya 645, 80mm, Portra 400

I’ll post more photos eventually! For now I really need to find an apartment, fingers crossed that happens soon. In the mean time if anyone wants to send me a wider angle lens for either my Mamiya 645 or C330 (both are 80mm) man that would be nice! ;)
